Time 06:00 AM To 08:00 PM



Are you also dreaming of soaring over the bar and becoming a high jump champion? At Glenwood Athletics and Sports Club Sydney, we understand that raw talent is just the first step. Young athletes need dedicated training, expert guidance, and a supportive environment to truly achieve their goals. 

Incorporate the tips and techniques suggested by our expert coaches and develop the skills and confidence necessary to succeed in jumping competitions in the tracks of Sydney. 

Benefits of Jumping Coaching 

Jumping is not just about clearing high jump bars; it’s about the training method with a surprising array of benefits for athletes of all ages and levels. Jumping is beyond physical skills; it’s about confidence and mental toughness, too. With the right training and a healthy lifestyle, an athlete can take flight and achieve their high jump dreams. 

The high jump requires a lot of movement and strength to keep you from any injuries. Let’s have a look at the benefits of jumping coaching for an individual athlete:

  • Keeps You Flexible 

Jumping training will improve the flexibility of your body and improve the range of motion and balance. 

  • Healthy Lifestyle 

With a balanced diet, staying up hydrated, and getting enough sleep will help you to achieve your goals and healthy lifestyle. 

  • Enhances Coordination and Balance 

Improve your balance and coordination, and reduce the risk of falls by getting expert coaching for jumping. 

  • Boost Strength 

Expert jumping training will fast-twitch muscle fibers and translate to greater overall strength and power. 

  • Training for Success

 By incorporating approach drills and proper techniques, you can improve your performance and develop your skills.

Our Techniques for Training

We at Glenwood Athletics and Sports Club Sydney believe that the key to a great jump lies in proper technique. The drills are a great way for jumpers to boost their explosiveness and speed and are essential as well. Here are some basic techniques that our experts use for beginners:

  • The Approach 

This sets the pace and power for the leap. Our expert coaches with years of experience understand your strengths and weaknesses, customize different techniques and approaches, and make you practice them. 

  • The Takeoff

This is where the athlete launches into the air. From proper body position to standing long jumps to perfect takeoff form, we cover it all. We make sure to pay attention to every detail. 

  • Soaring High

We understand the complexity of clearing the bar and preparing for landing. Hence, we offer plyometric exercises that involve explosive jumps that help athletes for safe landings and avoid injuries. 

Don’t just dream of high jump glory; make it a reality. Get expert coaching and embark on your journey with our jumping coaching journey together!